It is one of the most putting phrases any caller says to a paying customer. Nobody likes to wait, so even if it’s completely unavoidable to put the recipient on hold, a caller needs to be both extremely polite and extremely specific with the reasoning. Instead of blatantly asking the clients to wait, telecallers may say something like, ‘Please hold for one minute as I speak to my supervisor’ or ‘… as I investigate your query on my system’, which will not turn off the customers.
it is a kind of phrase, you’d expect to be used more often in the customer satisfaction division than the sales division of a telemarketing operation. The reality is the policies of a company has nothing to do with the expectations of the customers. It sounds arrogant, and portrays an extremely poor picture of the company that the caller is representing.
‘Not Our Fault, it’s a Manufacturing Defect’
Saying something like “it’s not our fault” is almost the same as saying that you were interested in extracting money from the customer but you are not willing to help them out when they face an emergency. At the very least, you need to assist the customers about the return policy of the manufacturer or any other warranty scheme is applicable to the problem at hand. It’s advisable that your business collaborates with the manufacturer for such things, so returns and replacements are mainstreamed efficiently.
It is actually very common for calling executives to get stumped with unexpected questions from the prospect, lead or customer. Replying to any of the queries of the customers with an ‘I don’t know’ does not help them and by extent paints an extremely poor picture of the company. The caller, in such a scenario needs to seek help from a senior executive and get back to the customer with an appropriate reply.
‘You Shouldn’t Have Done It Like That’
Customers make mistakes in the way they use products but telecallers need to remember two things; a) they were never explicitly briefed about the product the way the support team was, and more importantly b) you never talk down to a paying customer. Instead, simply encourage them to follow the right method and help them rectify their mistake.
A telemarketing strategy can be successful when you have a team of well-trained staff who have the ability to handle any situation. Effective training becomes necessary in order to increase customer loyalty and satisfaction which also includes using the right phrases to solve the queries of the clients.